Thursday, April 2, 2020

Working From Home

This is week three of working from home for most of my co-workers.  Since I mostly work at Field Offices and Rig Side, I am spending equal amounts of time out in the field, working from my office, and working from home.

I bought a 49" Samsung Monitor to replace the nice Dell 27" monitor I bought last year as my work space did not have room for my three monitor setup. 

I'm trying to keep travel to a minimum, but still have duties out in the field to take care of.  Social Distancing!

I've noticed a large decrease in travel, mostly heavy equipment moving up and down I20 and very few travelers.  Most truck stops I've been to when fueling up are still serving food, despite what much of Social Media is reporting. 

Truck stop Delis have shut down self-serve areas and you have to deal directly with the deli to get food.  This does cause lines to form.  Be patient and respectful.  Don't forget to wash your hands before eating!  Many of the fast food stores do mostly drive thru and curb side pickup.  Dine-In is shut down so if you're running a rig or pushing equipment to and from the oilfield, you'll likely have to eat in your truck. 

Law Enforcement, as far as State Troopers and Sheriff's Deputies are out patrolling, so watch your speed.  I saw a big group of troopers east of Monahans with a out of state minivan pulled over.  Guys, you should probably stay at home if you don't have business in the oil patch.  This is not the place to break down during the best of times, so you really don't want a breakdown now.

Not much else I can tell you than that.  Be safe out there.

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